In 1998, the City Council created the Animal Control department to attempt to rid the City of stray, homeless, unclaimed and diseased animals and to coordinate the function of the humane officer with the work of the county rabies inspector and the Monroe County Health department.
Tags required for dogs and cats
Each dog over the age of 3 months are required to wear a rabies inoculation tag and Monroeville City license tag, which can be purchased at the local veterinary office or at City Hall. Cats are not required to wear the rabies inoculation and license tags, but proof of license certificates is required, if requested.
Animals are not permitted to run at large
No person owning or having in his custody animals or fowl shall permit them to go at large to the injury or annoyance of others, nor shall animals be permitted to roam street or other public ways of the city.
Animals found at large will be captured and taken to the Animal Shelter. If the animal is not redeemed within five days of capture, the Animal Shelter staff has the authority to place the animal for adoption, to transfer to another shelter or refuse, or to dispose of the animal.
Reporting animal nuisances:
To report inhumane treatment of an animal or an animal at large, contact Monroeville Police Department.